Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Barcelona, Temple Expiatori De La Sagrada Familia (2010)

Title of the Painting: "Barcelona, Temple Expiatori De La Sagrada Familia" (2010)
Artist: Damyan TwoNine
Dimensions: 500 x 500 mm
Support and Medium : Oil on Canvas
Technique: Square Pointillism, Impressionism
Place of Creation: Prague, Czech Republic.
Availability: Available for Sale
Comment: The Expiatory Temple "Sagrada Familia" without a doubt is a Masterpiece and symbol of Future. Between the other merits and facts is the top visited attraction in Barcelona (and Spain) with more than 2.000.000 visitors a year (According to the newspaper El PeriĆ³dico de Catalunya, 2.26 million people visited the partially built church in 2004). As an artist I can comment this monumental piece for days...
As all the big revelative art works, as we know from history, were criticised and mocked before they became recognized and widely appreciated... Sagrada Familia temple was always an inspiration source for me. More than that, it was a lighthouse in the world of arts for me, as I felt from the very beginning, when I saw a picture of it in a magazine, a strong connection and passion for it, a sort of mystical magnetic energy. My rebellious and ambitious spirit with wild fantasy and whimsical ideas find their perfect reflection in this glorious temple.
I think, you have to be pretty crazy not to appreciate this truely A M A Z I N G church! By the year 2026, when it is planned to be completed, the Temple will be the tallest in the world with it's highest central tower of Jesus Christ, surmounted by a giant cross, with total height of 170 m! Truely fascinating dimension and completely adequate to worship the Lord (as I believe the biggest Artist and Source of Inspiration).
The financial resources used early for the construction of the Church are faboulous! Also all the money (11 Euro entry fee) collected from the sold tickets go directly in the budget for it's construction. Each year the budget consits : 15.000.000 - 20.000.000 Euro.... So if you add up all the money spent on it from it's very foundation in 1882 (under construction for allready more than 127 years) (considering the inflation) you can easily arrive at the summ close to (A BILLION) Euro... probably the most expensive and the longest lasting construction of an architectural religious project in Spain, and maybe in entire world; competing with St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, the biggest Church in the World (construction period 120 years) !
If you ever come to visit the beautiful city of Barcelona, don't miss the opportunity to at least walk around the Temple and admire it's monumentality, symbolism and beauty domining Barcelona! Address: Barcelona, Calle Mallorca, 08034. Metro Sation: Sagrada Familia, (Blue Line, L5) and (Purple Line, L2).