Here is the second part, a new post on the art blog of Damyan's Paintings created in the 2004-2007 period. Some of the paintings created during Damyan's studies in the college of Fine arts or Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts.
If you are interested in buying original art works from Damyan or high quality reproductions, or you are a gallery/restaurant/hotel/exhibition space/ owner and looking for an Artist to decorate your speace, or you want to Oreder/Commission a painting for yourself or as a Original Art Gift for your loved ones please contact Damyan by email.
And Damyan will be excited to offer you his large spectrum of graphic works and oil paintings. Ars Longa - Vita Brevis "Art is Eternal, Life Is Short"

"Rustic Still Life" 2004. by Damyan. Oil On Canvas. 550 x 750 mm.
Amy Winehouse Pseudo-Mosaique Portrait. 2007. Prague. mixed Medium.

Metamorphosys Of Time. The Blood Call. by Damyan. 400 x 500. 2005

Metamorphosys Of Time. Main Motive. by Damyan. 1500 x 2000 mm. 2005

Prague. Heart Of Europe. By Damyan. Graphic work. 2007. Detail

The Violet Bood. Detail. 2002.

The Judgement Day. by Damyan. 2004. Oil On canvas. 650 x 950 mm