Good evening my dear readers, friends!

of interest filled with details and empty spaces.

Damyan's "Pargue - The Heart of Europe" Negative Print Version. Winter version. Prague at Night. A3 size (297 x 420mm).
Today i will reveal my graphic art inspirations and main Artists that I admire in graphic Art. As leonardo Da Vinci said "The Drawing is the Most Important Art and A BASIS for All fine Arts"
So here are some relevant examples of graphic art of Otto Wangner (Austria) and Gustave Klimt(Austria). Their detailed graphic works for decoration of publi buildings, private houses, concert halls, Railway Stations had a lot from the Secession Art deco style, using the principle of filling the particular spaces oif the composition with flowers, vegetal elements, golden and silver accents in expressive stuffed square .
Gustav Klimt slightly begins to stylize the figures, decorates the Portraits, experiment with painting and sculputre.
This principle is often called "Full-Empty" which makes the Art Deco style stand apart from all the previous tendances in the Fine Arts. The Composition, The Decorative pannel or the portrait with Empty squeare spaces and small stuffed parts with deco elements make the composition fresh, and catches the eye on certain parts of the composition. Stylized deco Fonts rise the expression of Secession and confers the conposition an aspect of Applied Art Work.
Gustav Klimt's Graphic poster for the Secession Exhibition in Wien (Austria). the composition begins to

be devided into parts
of interest filled with details and empty spaces.
While Klimt - a rebel Artist - who wasn't recognized and was toughly criticised by the leading Professors and Artists did a more bi-dimensional interpretation of the real subjects like landscapes and Woman Figures. The period of Art Nouveau seemed to make the artists perceive the reality otherwise... the perspective was not so important any more. The academic detalisation and the Air perspective, shading and true live colours were not a priority any more.
The Art had allready new horizons and objectives. Art Deco was a hymn for symbols and shapes. The portraits became decorative and slowly evaluated into posters and stylized monumental figurines. very often these figures were simplified into square and narrow sculptures on the buildings, designing a new era and conception of Art.
Damyan's graphic Work dedicated to Prague. "Prague The European City". I used the image of the GIRL (dreaming) from Klimt's painting, as Europa - the Goddess on the background of Europe in top, after that zooming into Czech State with famous panorama of Prague with bridges and ending with prague Map graphisme.
Damyan's Graphic Work "Prague - the HEART OF EUROPE - Mater Urbium" Black and White Ink technique on Tinted Grained Paper. Classic book Frame from the Middle Ages. Prague as a HEART on the fading Europe image which transforms into the sky clouds. Prague View with Saint Vitus Cathedral and PRAHA inscription in the bottom part inside the Frame. Work with Middle Ages inspiration.

Damyan's "Pargue - The Heart of Europe" Negative Print Version. Winter version. Prague at Night. A3 size (297 x 420mm).